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A-SUB® Sublimation Paper has achieved No.1 sales in North America and is very popular among designers, DIY, and handicraft studios in North America. We have established our own office in the United States, United Kingdom, and Singapore. Our brand philosophy is "make DIY easier". With A-SUB® presence, we can ensure high profits for our distributors while raising consumer awareness of the A-SUB® brand.

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A-SUB® Sale Network,
Available Worldwide

More Than 100 Countries
3 Offices Located In UK, US And Singapore
6 Factories
Sales Growth Every Year
Made In China
Own Warehouse On US And UK

Benefits Of Being An A-SUB® Dealer

Distributor Exclusive Price
Wide Range Of Sublimation Papers
Dedicated Dealer Channel
Leading Technology In Sublimation Industry
Exclusive Technical Support
Always In Stock Guarantee
Right To Use Our Images,Videos And Catalogue
Right To Use Our Proffessional Certificate
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A-SUB® Sublimation Paper(No.1 In USA)

A-SUB® Distributor's review/ In the eyes of Distributor

A-Sub® Sublimation Paper has achieved No.1 sales in North America and it is favor by designers and craft studios.
I am very happy to be the distributor of A-SUB®. A-SUB® Sublimation Paper helps us to gain a considerable profit and brand recognition of A-SUB® is very high. Meanwhile, A-SUB® helps us to solve many after-sales and technical issues.

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A-SUB® is always looking for partners who identify with our brand concept! We will have dedicated personnel ready to solve your questions about our brand, products, and sales. If you are interested to join as an A-SUB® distributor, kindly fill in the form and we will get in touch with you within 24 hours!
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